Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Smart Ideas to Make Your Wedding Unique and Stress Free

I moved to L.A. in my 20's and started working in cable TV.  A few years later, I landed a job at Sony Picture Entertainment's GSN.  My very first job assignment was taping boxes for our traveling sales team. I had no idea where this job would lead, but I knew I was working with some very talented people and this was a great opportunity.

BTW to this day - I can still tape up a box for shipping like there is no tomorrow. LOL

After a few years, I was producing live game shows and special events all over the country.

I had my dream job and it all started with the jobs that no one wanted to do.

Today, I am fortunate to be doing what I love the most - producing special events, live shows, and weddings for wonderful clients.

We are proud to announce that we have expanded our business operation to Central California.  Our senior event coordinator, Cara Vidaurri will be managing our Central California division. For more information, please call Cara at 559-301-9552 or our L.A. office at 818-246-2288. XO

Here are a few ideas sprinkled with a little creativity to help with the planning process -

1. Start a Pinterest account.
They are fun and easy and your event professionals will get great insight into your style.

2. Consider using votive candles and lighting to create the right ambiance at your dinner reception.  When the doors open and the guests enter the reception, the energy will come alive when the lighting is done correctly.

3. Set realistic goals when you decide to get into shape for your wedding day. Crash diets are dangerous.   Schedule an exam with your doctor and ask if there is a nutritionist that she or he recommends, plus check out the different workouts that are available in your area.

4. Keep your party and guests safe.  Hire only insured and licensed professionals such as the bartenders, wait staff and valet to help ensure that your party goes smoothly.  Our company hires off-duty police officers at all of our off-site events to make sure that people don't drink and drive. The extra $45.00 per hour for the officer is money well spent. Our police officers are professional and they know how to handle situations by notifying us so we can communicate with the party host.

5. Avoid asking toxic friends to be in your wedding party.  If you do this, you might be inviting unnecessary stress into your life.

6. Limit the type of bar you have at the wedding rehearsal.  There is nothing worse than a hungover bride, groom or wedding party on the wedding day.  In addition, we recommend not serving shots at the wedding. If you do this, we can almost guarantee someone will end up getting sick.

7. Tip your event professionals at the beginning of the event - it is a nice gesture.

8. Just because it is expensive, does not mean bupkis.  A few years ago, we produced a high six-figure wedding for one of our clients. Our bride spent almost $2,000 for each of the bridesmaid's dresses and they were not one of my favorites.  Even though our client spent a lot of money on her wedding (she was happy with the outcome), her wedding was turned down by all the popular publications and wedding blogs.  Moral of the story, the amount of money one spends does not have anything to do with getting published.

9. Don't do any serious procedures on your face or body close to your wedding or event date.  Please give yourself PLENTY of healing time.  Talk with professionals and only use reputable medical spas and doctors. Also, ask questions and please don't get everything done all at once.

10. Finally, if you want to save money, time and stay stress free, consider hiring a professional event planner.  XO



This property allows inside and outside access, including sleep over options.  Perfect for a 150 person or less guest count.

I love seeing beautiful votive candles (mercury is my favorite) and candelabras on dinner tables mixed with flowers.  This allows each table to be unique, but still have continuity.

Could not resist - very popular where I am from - Central California.

Have a great day! XO, Gianna

1 comment :

  1. Your story is very inspiring and thanks for the great tips!



Please contact us to set up an appointment

T: 818.246.2288

F: 818.246.2290

M: 310.717.1104
