Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tips from The Pros - Part VI - Do your body good.

If you are reading this blog, there is a good chance that you are gearing up for a big event or your big day. I thought it would be a great idea to share some tips that I learned from one of my instructors at Cal-a-Vie last month. I have kept these posted in my office and thought the blog would be a great place to share them. Please enjoy!
Walk six days a week for at least 20 minutes.
Do sit ups while the shower water is getting warm.
Stay in bed an extra five minutes and stretch with a strap and breathe.
Make your last bite by 7 PM, then herb tea after your last bite.
Take your last bite of carbs after 5 PM.
Focus on high density nutritional carbs for energy!
Begin a resistance training program slowly.
Check out
Consider getting a subscription to a fitness magazine.
Get a friend excited to get happy and fit.
Buy some new music to inspire you.
Get an Ipod!
Download books to walk and listen!
Try new classes at the gym.
Write a mantra on your bathroom mirror...I am beautiful!
Remember the body heals.
Choose fitness and wellness as a prevention over prescription drugs - but see your doctor first:)
Treat your body like a temple...moderation in all things..except loving yourself and others.
Start your next crave with a big glass of water.
Strive for 7 hours of sleep nightly.
Smile in the mirror, then pass one on when you pass someone in your day!
Think of 10 things you are grateful for while brushing your teeth every morning or evening.
Visualize yourself at the size you want to be - buy an outfit when you get there!
Try something totally new to you, biking, belly dancing, etc.
Say one thing nice about YOU every morning and someone else you love!
Be 1% better everyday at something!
If you could take away ONE thing, one habit, one emotion of self depreciating thought pattern...what would it be...and are you willing to take it out of your daily life?
Have a great day! Gianna

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